This website is generated using Sphinx .rst -> html generation with the Book theme. With that theme comes some additionally formatting available.
As an extension, this site makes use of the Sphinx-Design extension for additional UI elements
Title Heading#
Title Header
Subtitle Heading#
Subtitle Header
Section Heading#
Section Header
Subsection Heading#
Subsection Header
Subsubsection Heading#
Subsubsection Header
Paragraph Heading#
Paragraph Header
This is an example footnoot reference: 1This is an example numbered footnote
This is an example footnoot reference: [1]_
.. [1] This is an example numbered footnotes
Sphinx Design#
plain badge
primary, primary-line
secondary, secondary-line
success, success-line
info, info-line
warning, warning-line
danger, danger-line
light, light-line
dark, dark-line
:bdg:`plain badge`
:bdg-primary:`primary`, :bdg-primary-line:`primary-line`
:bdg-secondary:`secondary`, :bdg-secondary-line:`secondary-line`
:bdg-success:`success`, :bdg-success-line:`success-line`
:bdg-info:`info`, :bdg-info-line:`info-line`
:bdg-warning:`warning`, :bdg-warning-line:`warning-line`
:bdg-danger:`danger`, :bdg-danger-line:`danger-line`
:bdg-light:`light`, :bdg-light-line:`light-line`
:bdg-dark:`dark`, :bdg-dark-line:`dark-line`
A coloured icon: , from Github Octicons.
A coloured icon: :octicon:`report;1em;sd-text-info`, from `Github Octicons <https://primer.style/octicons/>`_.
A regular icon: , from Google Fonts.
A regular icon: :material-regular:`data_exploration;1.5em;sd-text-info`, from `Google Fonts <https://fonts.google.com/icons>`_.
Dropdown content
Dropdown title
Dropdown content
Open dropdown
Dropdown content
.. dropdown::
Dropdown content
.. dropdown:: Dropdown title
Dropdown content
.. dropdown:: Open dropdown
Dropdown content
Content 1
Content 2
.. tab-set::
.. tab-item:: Label1
Content 1
.. tab-item:: Label2
Content 2