Pasta Sauce Hydroponics#

One-liner: Can we build a device that will fit onto a standard jar as a hydroponics system?

Project Status#

Status: In-progress

Project Phase:
3D Print
Video Script
Video Publish

Project Overview#


Pasta Sauce Hydroponic Outline#

  1. Must pump water to aerate (test against Kratky?)

  2. Must have lights able to sustain a leafy plant e.g lettuce or herbs

  3. Must be able to easily attach the device to a jar

  4. Must be able to command outputs for durations and periods (clock events)

  1. Water level sensing and alert

  2. Live tunablility of light duration

  3. Fertilizer reminder, delay, clearing

Component Selection#

Water Pump#

For the water pump, the main criteria is that it should be:

  1. Low power draw

  2. Self priming

  3. Small form factor